Wednesday, January 8, 2014

A.    Lots of Rest:- it activates their immune system.
B.     Drink lots of Fluids:- breast milk for babies younger than 6 months.
C.    Saline nasal drops:- A saline solution can be sprayed or used as drops in the nose to clear out the mucus in the nasal passages.( Homemade saline nasal drops: 1 cup of warm water + ½ tsp salt. Use within 24 hours to avoid bacterial contamination.)
D.   Vapor rubs:- May be used for massaging on the neck, back, and chest in infants older than 3 months.

A.    Lots of Rest
B.     Drink lots of Fluids:- warm milk, water, diluted juice.
C.     Saline nasal drops
D.    Resting with head elevated:- This is done for children older than 12 months. When children sleep in a slightly, inclined, raised position, it clears the nasal passage by improving mucus drainage. Children can breathe easily and sleep better. Towels can be rolled up and placed below the mattress, to provide an incline.
E.     Salt water gargling - Children, older than 4 yrs, can gargle with salt water as a remedy for sore throat. (Homemade salt water for gargling: 1 glass of warm water + ½ tsp salt. Squeezing a bit of lemon juice adds to the soothing effect.)
F.      Nose blowing - This can be done in children, older than 2 yrs, to clear out the nasal passage. A bulb syringe may be used when the child is unable to blow on his/her own.
G.    Use of humidifier/vaporizer/steamy bath - A humidifier or vaporizer creates humidity in a dry room. The nasal passages become moist and mucus starts to clear away, making breathing easier. Addition of menthol to a steamy bath has a similar effect. Children should be kept in a steamy bath for 15 minutes to experience the soothing effect on the nasal passages.
H.    Vapor rubs - Camphor or menthol may be used in children older than 2 years of age. Natural vapor balms such as aloe, beeswax, herbal oils and other essential oils may be used.
I.       Soothing food for scratchy throat - Chicken soup, apple juice, mild lukewarm chamomile tea, popsicles, ice cream and puddings may provide a soothing effect on a sore throat. This can be given to children older than 6 months.

A.    Lots of rest
B.     Steam  Inhalation
C.     Vapor rub
D.    Resting in reclining position
E.     Nose blowing
F.      Salt water gargling
G.    Soothing food for scratchy throat
H.    Drink lots of fluids - Herbal tea such as chamomile, peppermint, elder flowers, and rose hips
I.       Humidifier/steamy bath
J.       Use of vitamins and supplements

A.      Lots of rest
B.      Reclining position
C.      Steam inhalation - Helps clear out the nasal passage.
D.      Drink lots of fluids - Vitamin C juices (e.g., orange juice), decaffeinated liquids, broths, etc.
E.       Salt water gargling - Very effective for sore throat. (Homemade salt water: 1tsp salt + 1 cup of warm water)
F.       Prenatal vitamins
G.      Humidifiers
H.      Use light clothes and covers
I.         Eat fresh garlic - Garlic has anti-viral properties. Cinnamon, cardamom, and cloves have similar anti-viral properties and should be used in cooking.

Herbal Tea for Cold

Dried chrysanthemum (2 parts) should be added to boiling water. Pour the mix over
peppermint (1 part), and steep for 5 minutes. Brown sugar is added for taste.

Ginger for common cold

Ginger cinnamon tea

1 cup boiling water + 3-4 half-inch slices of ginger + 1 stick of cinnamon + a squirt of lemon +brown sugar to taste. Should be consumed twice a day.

Steam inhalation for common cold

Homemade solution: 1 cup boiling water + a pinch of baking soda + ¼ tsp salt. Inhale the steam by bending over the container, and covering the head and the vessel with a towel, to prevent steam from escaping.

Red onion for common cold

Instant cough syrup:

1. Cover sliced red onion with sugar or honey and leave overnight. Drink 1 tsp juice 3-8 times a day.

2. Juice of a big red onion + 1 tsp honey. Drink small doses frequently. Avoid large doses


1. Gargle with hot water by adding a pinch of salt into it, it helps in curing the sore throat.
2. Keep drinking hot drinks like coffee and tea or simply luke warm water.
3. Add turmeric powder, ginger powder and a teaspoon of honey to warm milk. This not only helps in curing cough but also relieves from body ache, cold and headache.
4. For cold, steam inhalation is the best home remedy.
5. While preparing your tea, add few tulsi leaves and crushed ginger to it along with black pepper, it is much relief for cough and cold.
6. One who is susceptible to cough and cold should consume Chavanprash (it is the best ayurvedic tonic for winter) or amla murrabba as it comprises high content of Vitamin C which helps one develop a strong immunity against cough and cold.

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